At Diamond Dental Care we have invested in cutting-edge, cleaning technology to transform the patient’s experience; by introducing a revolutionary, deep cleaning system that offers pain-free oral healthcare for all ages.
The cleaning system is known as Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT).
Guided Biofilm Therapy is a minimally invasive, pain-free periodontal treatment that consists of treatment plans based on individual patient diagnosis and risk assessment in order to achieve optimal results. Each plan is tailor made to each patient. GBT is a treatment that does not use hard scaler tips and uses warm water instead, it is particularly beneficial for anxious patients or patients who may have sensitive teeth.
The first step of Guided Biofilm Therapy is a full mouth and gum assessment. After your initial assessment, the water hygienist can start treating you. During your first treatment appointment, they will disclose your teeth to make all the biofilm visible and highlight any problematic areas. A tailored oral hygiene instruction regime will be discussed and demonstrated whilst the teeth have the discloser on.
Once the regime has been explained and understood by the patient, airflow is used in all areas of the mouth to remove biofilm, stains, and early calculus. It can be used on natural teeth, restorations and implants. Airflow can treat supra- (above the gum) and subgingival (below the gum) to effectively remove biofilm. Using the latest pain-free piezo technology our hygienist will remove the remaining calculus both supra and subgingivally
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